
Viral Challenges for Nonprofits: A Blueprint for Digital Marketing Success

Viral challenges can help nonprofits raise awareness and donations. Here’s how to successfully leverage them in your digital marketing.

How March of Dimes Established an Innovation Fund to Further Its Mission

March of Dimes created its innovation fund to support companies that are poised to further its mission. Here’s how it works.

Financial Foundations for Nonprofit Success: Strategies to Maximize Impact

Here’s how the crucial areas of financial stewardship, tax strategy and governance can enhance your nonprofit’s effectiveness.

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Leadership Management

Viral challenges can help nonprofits raise awareness and donations. Here’s how to successfully leverage them in your digital marketing.

Nonprofits may confuse organizational fitness with health. Here’s the difference, plus some tips to boost your organization’s health.

Nonprofits are seeking to reverse job sector shortages, but this problem is complex and evolving. Here are some potential solutions.


Many nonprofits dread a website redesign because of pressure to launch a 100% perfect website. This is a recipe for disaster.

One reason donors stop giving is that organizations never tell them how they made a difference. Here’s how to show them their impact.

An estimated 90% of text messages are opened within three minutes. Here are five automated texts that can help increase giving.

Data Management

Gen Z is poised to be exceptionally generous. Here are five ways fundraisers can capture the passion and attention of these donors.

Providing a window to your organization’s mission and purpose can help you strengthen your case for financial support.

Conducting research is a best practice before starting a major fundraising campaign. Here’s how to get the most out of this process.


Nonprofits need to understand that major donor fundraising has a seasonality. Here’s how to work with this ebb and flow.

Nonprofits have a powerful draw for talent, but they often fail to properly compensate. These three low-cost, proven tools can help.

Having a comprehensive strategy for soliciting donations from donor-advised funds is almost as important as breathing.

Direct Marketing

Here are five things not to do when measuring the performance of your online fundraising and marketing programs.

Holidays evoke emotion, and nonprofit campaigns use emotion to drive action. Here’s how holidays can connect you with your audience.

Donors may push off giving until later, but you want their support now. Here’s how to add urgency to your appeal and boost response.


Let’s explore strategies to integrate capital campaigns into your fundraising.

An institution’s alumni are a reflection of its past, a representation of its present, and a link to its future. An alumni reunion is a memorable event where attendees can reminisce about the good old days with former classmates. It can also provide tremendous increases in alumni giving to their alma mater.   

How can organizations with limited funding address issues and have a ripple effect on clients? The answer may lie in data.