
Nonprofit Board Members Are Educators and Advocates

Advocacy and education are integral to nonprofit board decision-making. Here are some steps your board should proactively be taking.

Bridging the Gap: Aligning Annual Campaigns With Major Gifts

Nonprofits must harmonize fundraising strategies to successfully manage annual campaigns and major gifts. Here’s a practical approach.

The Annual Campaign Versus Major Gifts Mindset: Navigating the Shift

Annual campaigns and major gift fundraising both rely on building relationships with donors. Here’s the distinction between the two.

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Leadership Management

Advocacy and education are integral to nonprofit board decision-making. Here are some steps your board should proactively be taking.

Want to diversify your organization’s fundraising streams? Add corporate philanthropy to the mix to help achieve your long-term goals.

Almost every organization has a strategic plan, but most ignore them in everyday activities. Here’s how to stay true to your plan.


Nonprofits must harmonize fundraising strategies to successfully manage annual campaigns and major gifts. Here’s a practical approach.

Annual campaigns and major gift fundraising both rely on building relationships with donors. Here’s the distinction between the two.

New nonprofits need effective donor acquisition strategies to maximize their reach and impact. Explore the best strategies here.

Direct Marketing

Many nonprofits hesitate to present a specific problem to donors, resulting in ineffective fundraising. Here’s how to change that.

Here are the top trending challenges nonprofit marketers are facing this year and how they’re tackling them.

Podcasts are an excellent way for nonprofits to connect with their supporters and grow their base. Here’s why.

Data Management

Market research is part of the secret sauce for nonprofits’ success. Here’s how it can help your organization amplify its impact.

Fundraising portfolio is based on extensive relationship-building. Here are my tips to successfully master your portfolio.

How do you know which CRM system is right for your nonprofit organization?


Content creation is the newest, biggest opportunity for fundraising on the web. Here’s how content creators can support your mission.

There is more competition than ever for your audience's attention. Here's how to amplify your organization's content to grab their attention.

There are many online fundraising strategies, social media being one of them. Here’s how you can use social platforms for fundraising.


Let’s explore strategies to integrate capital campaigns into your fundraising.

An institution’s alumni are a reflection of its past, a representation of its present, and a link to its future. An alumni reunion is a memorable event where attendees can reminisce about the good old days with former classmates. It can also provide tremendous increases in alumni giving to their alma mater.   

How can organizations with limited funding address issues and have a ripple effect on clients? The answer may lie in data.