Is your boss killing your fundraising? If so, you aren't alone. Based on what I hear again and again from friends all over the fundraising world, it seems bad direction from bosses (or board members) is a leading cause of ineffective fundraising.
Despite these tough economic times, Americans still support organizations and causes that matter to them. Nonprofits that remain focused while adeptly fine-tuning strategy can emerge stronger and more effective. Now is the time to strategically plan for the future, firm up board support, refine communications and evaluate current philanthropic models.
The bottom line is most donors won't tell us if they are unhappy — but they will make it clear by reducing or discontinuing their giving. Listen for these unspoken messages when you review your results;
I tend to toss the lot of sameness into a basket to open and look through later, but there are a few rare exceptions — like everything I receive from Best Friends Animal Society. Those mailings are like a treat, an irresistible feast of cuteness and an infallible pick-me-up.
Unfortunately, there isn't an "inspiration switch" to flip when we're having a hard time collecting enough interesting thoughts to string together for a fundraising activity. What's a fundraiser to do?
As part of our January cover story, we asked some fundraising pros to fill in these blanks: "My favorite trend right now is ______. I would like to see _____ just go away." Some of their answers were pretty surprising, with things likes mobile giving, special events and good ol' No. 10s being wished off the face of the fundraising earth.
By using these three R’s throughout 2012, you may be able to talk to your donors in more ways and still have time left over to have a life.
If you can't even get the person's name or last gift right, how on earth do you expect a donor to believe you will use his or her donations effectively?
Graphical representations of information, known as infographics, can help nonprofits weave anecdotes and rock-solid evidence into beautiful stories that appeal to both the head and the heart.
Well-designed infographics can convey complex information in surprisingly engaging ways, and their popularity is skyrocketing. Type “infographics” into a Google search and you will see them by the hundreds on topics as varied as the U.S. debt and how much you can drink at an office party.
Here are ideas that I've heard fundraising professionals advise over and over during the past few years — all of which make good sense and great fundraising.