Cause Marketing

Joining Forces
March 1, 2011

Coordinating philanthropic and community involvement efforts is a one-stop shop away, says Diane Solinger, executive director of San Jose, Calif.-based Entrepreneurs Foundation. She's talking about the partnership her organization and Mountain View, Calif.-based Silicon Valley Community Foundation announced on Dec. 20, 2010, to make it simple for companies to implement giving programs.

Why Corporations Invest in Cause Marketing/Corporate Philanthropy
December 7, 2010

Having an impact on critical issues in the No. 1 reason that corporations invest in philanthropic or socially responsible activities according to a new study, "Why Corporations Invest in Corporate Social Responsibility," by public relations firm Weber Shandwick.

Nonprofit Characteristics Foundations Seek Before Making Grants
November 30, 2010

The competition for foundation grants is greater than ever with charitable service demand at an all-time high. So to ensure your organization is in position to grab the attention of grantmakers, make sure you're set up with the pre-grantseeking needs foundations look for.