A Conversation on Integrated Marketing and Fundraising, Part 1

[Editor's note: This is part 1 of a three-part conversation on integrated marketing and fundraising with members of the fundraising sector's newly formed Integrated Marketing Advisory Board.]
Last month, 12 key players in the fundraising sector joined forces to create the first-ever Integrated Marketing Advisory Board (IMAB). With integration engulfing every aspect of life from retail to communications to nonprofits, the participating organizations — Amergent, Avalon Consulting Group, Barton Cotton, CDR Fundraising Group
, Convio, Donordigital
, Grizzard Communications, hjc
, Merkle, Russ Reid
, SCA Direct and Thompson Habib Denison
— are committed to pooling resources and providing a sounding board for fundraisers and organizations of all shapes and sizes to address the issues that arise around creating a truly integrated experience.