2014 DMAW MAXI Awards Results
The Civil War Trust took home five MAXIs for major-donor and special-appeal campaigns. A 9-inch-by-12-inch envelope delivered a major-donor message including a Certificate of Acceptance, Civil War Commemorative First Class stamped reply envelope and a lift note from board member and country singer Trace Adkins. The organization achieved its goal of pushing the number of $1,000+ donors over the 1,000 mark, netting $36,000 and average gift of $1,200. The Civil War Trust continued on its winning spree with a special appeal, this time to preserve a hallowed battlefield. A combination of full-color maps, a birthday card bounce back for a Civil War tour guide’s 90th birthday, and a DVD mapping the Vicksburg Civil War Campaign and Battle netted more than $200,000 and a phenomenal response rate of 20.85 percent.