Natural Resources Defense Council

Reviewing the winners across all channels for the 2014 DMAW MAXI Awards, the shared themes were engagement, extraordinary storytelling and relationship building. The stats and snapshot images of the winning Direct Mail, Digital Media, Multichannel and Telemarketing campaigns provided high-level intel of the strategies and tactics.
Here is a mobile and social fundraising success checklist excerpted from "Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits" by Heather Mansfield, founder and principal blogger at Nonprofit Tech for Good. By reading the book and implementing the steps necessary to launch a comprehensive mobile and social fundraixsing plan — and checking off the must-do items as you go along — your nonprofit will have in place mobile and social fundraising plan flexible enough to adjust to rapid changes in fundraising and communication technology that will occur over the next decade.
Thanks to a record donation of $10,569,002 to the Ressler-Gertz Foundation, actress Jami Gertz and her husband, Anthony Ressler, top the list of the 30 Most Generous Celebrities compiled by The Giving Back Fund, a nonprofit organization that tracks philanthropic giving worldwide. Although not exactly a mainstream actress, Gertz’s deep-pocketed donation has much to do with the fact that Ressler is the co-founder of Ares Capital, a Los Angeles investment firm that controls more than $40 billion in assets, which has also recently expressed interest in buying the Dodgers.
Six professional sports teams from the Pacific Northwest on Monday announced the formation of a nonprofit organization intended to reduce the environmental impacts of pro teams. Participants in the Green Sports Alliance include the Seattle Mariners, Seattle Seahawks, Seattle Sounders FC, Seattle Storm, Portland Trail Blazers and Vancouver Canucks in cooperation with their venues.
The Green Sports Alliance has received endorsements from the commissioners of each of the respective sports leagues as well as the Environmental Protection Agency.
The online component of the second annual Bid to Save the Earth auction was launched Thursday and runs through April 7. A live companion sale is scheduled for March 29 at Christie's auction house.
The event will benefit the Central Park Conservancy, Conservation International, the Natural Resources Defense Council and Oceana. It raised $2.4 million for the four organizations last year.
WASHINGTON, March 30, 2009 — Rebuilding Together, the nation's leading nonprofit organization working to preserve affordable homeownership, HGTV and partners will once again team up to Change the World. As part of the HGTV Change the World. Start at Home campaign, online voters named veterans' group homes Windsor Transitional House in St. Louis, Mo., and the Housing for Homeless Vets Corp. located on Romain Street in Philadelphia, Pa., as the winners of the campaign's online vote. The winning projects will receive much-needed renovations to make the homes more energy efficient and enjoyable for residents. In addition, the makeovers also will be featured in an HGTV special in October 2009.
Fundraising consultant Richard McPherson was recently honored with an Award for Teaching Excellence from the New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
Through the end of the year, we’ll be running a “Meet Our Advisors” feature as a way to introduce readers to the members of our Editorial Advisory Board. This week, meet Clint O’Brien, vice president of business development at Care2, a social-network Web site that aims to help people make the world a better place by connecting them with individuals, organizations and responsible businesses making an impact. In this role, O’Brien works with more than 350 leading nonprofit organizations that choose Care2 as their preferred outlet for publicizing their causes, as well as recruiting new members, donors and advocacy supporters. Grew up in:
Encouraged by green prospects, pushed by the DMA and sometimes impelled from within (perhaps to simply slim down a package), many mailers already have begun to test into green packages. Some, however, don’t know where to begin. So, whether you consider these baby steps or giant leaps, here are three ways to create the green mail piece. 1. Make a New Year’s resolution As if hit by a green tidal wave, many direct mailers feel overwhelmed by the new information. Fortunately, the DMA helps with two significant resource materials. First is the DMA Environmental Resource for Direct Marketers (www.the-dma.org/environmentguide), updated in 2004 and available