
In this episode of The NonProfit Voice, Ken Smith, president and CEO of Jobs for America’s Graduates, and Sheri Chaney Jones, president
Today, modern business owners are explorers of sorts. They must navigate the uncertain waters of their industry.
RKD Group announced the acquisition of Data Management, Inc.
If you want to demonstrate that your efforts are an opportunity to expand your work, start sharing your metrics.
In this interactive webinar, you’ll learn why nonprofits need to focus on taking one-time donors to recurring donors amd much more.
Corporations have long been using data science to maximize efficiencies, but many nonprofits have fallen behind.
AI holds much promise for improving nonprofit fundraising by enabling predictive analytics at speed and scale.
Stanford published its “Artificial Intelligence Index” report. As with other AI-related reports, here is a nonprofit-focused summary.
When you’re a busy professional, it can be tempting to jump right in to planning your next peer-to-peer fundraising campaign or event.
Since its launch in 2012, Giving Tuesday has fundamentally changed year-end fundraising.