Report: 2017 Nonprofit Communication Trends

It is of utmost importance to implement effective communication in a nonprofit organization. Why? Because effective communication leads to higher team performance, which ultimately leads to more proficiency within the organization.
Let’s look at this year’s nonprofit communications trends. According to the 2017 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report, six challenges that make the difference between effective communication within an organization versus ineffective communication are:
1. Increasing collaboration between communications and fundraising staff.
2. Improving clarity about responsibilities and authority over communications work.
3. Ensuring that strategic thinking is driving the communications work.
4. Increasing collaboration between communications and program staff.
5. Building management trust in the expertise of communications staff.
6. Clarifying the processes and procedures for how the communications work gets done.
The survey evaluated responses to questions on communications skills, salary and relationship with the executive director from 1,104 participants who identified themselves as communications staff or a combination of communications and development staff. Of the participants, 32 percent said their organization has an annual budget of under $1 million, 33 percent said between $1 million and $5 million and 29 percent said over $5 million.
When asked to rank their communications effectiveness on a five-star scale, the overall average was 3.3 stars, which was defined as “between somewhat and very effective.”
Participants who gave themselves a one-star or two-star rating reported budget cuts in 2016, among various other factors. To read the full report, visit

Nhu is a content strategist with over a decade of experience improving the way social good brands engage and build connections through human-first storytelling. She currently leads NTB Content, a content marketing agency with a niche in digital fundraising and nonprofit tech.