Write (and Tell) Your Story
October 10, 2014

Nonprofit competition is keen. You must create a story that is unique and separates your organization from others in the community.

It's Time to Rethink Your Donor Engagement Strategies
October 2, 2014

Knowing as much as possible about donors can help fundraisers keep them involved with the organization and develop greater retention. Nonprofits can break through the noise by utilizing traditional engagement methods, as well as emerging data and personalization tactics to focus on what matters — cultivating relationships with donors by addressing their interests and allowing them to communicate with your organization based on their preferences.

Omnichannel vs. Multichannel
September 30, 2014

Before taking on omnichannel marketing, fundraisers should master multichannel fundraising and effectively measuring it.

6 Ideas for Dealing With 'Take Me Off Your List' Requests
September 25, 2014

How do you handle donor requests to be removed from your list? This may surprise some of you, but, "Duh! We remove them!" isn't always the right answer. Given that your donor file is so valuable, a well-thought-out strategy is needed for responding in a way that both honors the donor's intent and safeguards your asset.

Fundraising Copywriting: Stop the War!
September 22, 2014

Fundraisers! Copywriters! Let us unite to stop using overbaked rhetoric as a substitute for compelling copy. There's no better place to start than by stopping, "The War On ..."