RMI Direct Marketing Inc.

List Look
July 1, 2008

Following is a sampling of new-to-the-market and newly managed lists.

List Look
June 1, 2008

Following is a sampling of new-to-the-market and newly managed lists. #1 Golf Investors Mailing List: Target more than 1 million wealthy investors who love to golf and make financial investments. Price: $100/M. Call: Crowley Marketing, 800.488.4852; or visit www.crowleymarketinginc.com 1TM Home Improvement Requesters Opt-in Email Database: Target more than 2.3 million online consumers with an interest in home improvement. Price: $65/M. Call: 1Touch Marketing, 561.368.5067; e-mail info@1touchmarketing.com; or visit www.1touchmarketing.com A and R Research — Pet Owners & Lovers: Target more than 6 million pet owners and lovers. Price: $85/M. Call: ACT ONE LISTS, 800.228.5478; e-mail info@act1lists.com; or visit www.act1lists.com Audubon Naturalist Society: Target

List Look
March 1, 2008

Following is a sampling of new-to-the-market and newly managed lists.

Web Bonus: List Look
May 1, 2007

Following is a sampling of lists available to reach parents as potential donors.

List Look
December 1, 2006

Following is a sampling of lists available to reach men and parents as potential donors.

List Look
August 1, 2006

A sampling of lists available to reach animal lovers as potential donors.

Digging For Donors
July 1, 2004

Anyone who works in direct mail donor development can tell you that it’s a challenge to find ways to bring in new donors while operating under an ever-tightening budget. With so many organizations mailing to the same lists of donors, fewer new lists being brought to the market and expenses always on the rise, creativity and willingness to take calculated risks will help you reach your new donor goals.