Fundraiser Education

Started From the Bottom, Now I’m Here: Fundraising the Smart Way
July 19, 2016 at 11:17 am

If anything, working from the underground up taught me to concentrate on what really matters, because, frankly, I didn’t have time for the stuff that didn’t. I trimmed off all of the extraneous stuff so that I could maintain a laser-like focus when it came to working the key areas that eventually would grow my business to what it is today...

We Need to Stop Treating Nonprofits the Way Society Treats Poor People
July 19, 2016 at 10:12 am

During a drink with one of my favorite program officers, I brought up some feedback about how onerous her organization's grant-reporting process was. Even though the foundation is really flexible on how the funds can be used, it still asks for exactly how much of each line item the foundation pays for. And its line…

3 Ways Nonprofit Board Members Can Tell Stories, Raise Money
July 19, 2016 at 10:07 am

Having been both a fundraiser and a board member, it’s been interesting to see both sides of the conversation about board fundraising. I have to say, having had a seat at the board table and now being a board chair, I have a lot more empathy for what board members are feeling when they are…

Do I Have to Care Today?
July 15, 2016 at 9:56 am

Many of the nonprofit people I’ve known are highly empathetic. That’s a big advantage for our work. Fundraisers, especially, need to be comfortable with emotions. They’re how we communicate–if we’re doing it well. But empathy can also have its downside. Some of us truly feel another’s pain. And for most of us, spending all day thinking about…

5 Options for Investing in Your Career Growth
July 14, 2016 at 10:37 am

This has been a crazy week—I co-presented a webinar for NonProfit PRO and am heading to Washington, D.C., for the annual Bridge Conference (as a learner, not a presenter). Why? Because I am absolutely passionate about continuing education, both for myself and what I share with others when I can. And I want to energize you about continuing education, too, which is why I write about investing in you about once a year...

What Are the 2 Most Dangerous Assumptions in Fundraising?
July 11, 2016 at 11:19 am

The two most dangerous assumptions in fundraising are: Thinking the reasons why people give don’t matter. Thinking we know why people give. Assumption No. 1 is beyond redemption. (You can’t fix stupid!) Thankfully, although it still pervades a few of the bigger, aggressive, fundraising departments, it’s largely on its way out. But the second is…

Wish You Had New Donors? Ask the Ones You Have Instead
July 8, 2016 at 10:36 am

Whenever people sign up to receive my emails, they’re encouraged to share their biggest fundraising challenges. Here’s one such challenge recently shared with me that many organizations face: The biggest challenge we are facing at the moment is with landing larger donations ($1,000 to $5,000+), both in terms of attracting new, higher-level donors and also…

Michigan Kid Charges 25 Cents Per Lesson at Charity History Stand
July 7, 2016 at 10:06 am

They say when life gives you history, you make history-ade. Or something. That's what Gabe Fulmerhouser did, anyway. In need of a summer hobby, the enterprising 8-year-old from Jackson, Mich., decided he'd dispense history lessons at a roadside stand for 25 cents a pop, with all proceeds going to charity, naturally. He's raised $140.25 so far, and rather than buying a World of Warcraft subscription and some Mountain Dew, like most kids would, he plans to donate it...

10 Steps for a Midyear Professional Fundraising Checkup
July 6, 2016 at 11:43 am

It is midway through 2016. In a few short months we will enter the holiday season. Most of us are either halfway through a fiscal year or just beginning a new one. In either case, it is time to take professional stock of where you are and where you are going. Last week, we discussed steps for a midyear personal checkup. This time, let's talk about the 10 steps for a professional nonprofit fundraising checkup...

The Art of the (Social Media) Ask
July 6, 2016 at 9:05 am

Social media is one of the powerful tools that fundraisers have sitting in their back pockets. At no cost to the nonprofit or to the participant, powerful fundraising messages can be communicated to the participant’s personal network. This includes many potential supporters that the fundraiser may not have been comfortable contacting directly. Additionally, this is an effective method for increasing the visibility of both the nonprofit and the participant’s upcoming event...