Data Mining

FormAssembly, a company that helps organizations build smart forms around data collection, partnered up with TechBridge, a nonprofit helping other nonprofit organizations by empowering them with innovative technology solutions to help transform the way they serve their communities, in 2015...
When many of us hear the words “Artificial Intelligence,” our minds turn to the reference points we have from movies. Robotic cyborgs going haywire, machines threatening humanity or choosing between a red or blue pill...
We’ll explore how you, your staff, and your nonprofit will be transformed by using data over the next few years.
Who are my donors, and how have they engaged in the past? Most will answer this question in one of two ways. First, by quoting recency, frequency, monetary segments, complete with highest previous contribution and timing of the most recent gift. Second, by describing donor demographics/wealth with off-the-shelf segments or with their homegrown analysis...
It seems these days that marketers, strategists, analysts and sales people are hungry to throw around terms, such as Big Data, Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, like a pack of dogs at the back door of a meat market. And, I have a confession to make: I’m a marketing professional also guilty of using these terms...
It seems these days that marketers, strategists, analysts and sales people are hungry to throw around terms, such as Big Data, Business Intelligence (BI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), like a pack of dogs at the back door of a meat market. And, I have a confession to make: I’m a marketing professional also guilty of […]
Analytics is an overused buzzword. Ask three people and you’ll get three different answers as to what analytics means to them. To some, it’s about reporting on key metrics and projecting impact on the ability to achieve budget. To others, it refers to models used for the selection of individuals to include in a fundraising campaign...
How your nonprofit utilizes analytical data can have an astronomical impact on your organization's online campaign success. Understanding data will allow your nonprofit to not just reach more volunteers and donors, but also create a strategy for long-term online success...
If you feel overwhelmed with too many people coming at you with too many new things to try, you’re not alone. This should help you decide what you really need and want … and what you don’t. Let’s go over a few guidelines...
There may be as many ways to segment and customize your file as there are ways to leave your lover, but the evidence mounts that the level of commitment a donor has for your organization may be the most important...