Relationships 2.0
From the Barack Obama fundraising juggernaut to an ironic, grassroots campaign for Planned Parenthood, fundraising in 2008 was all about relationships — both off- and online. In her "Relationships 2.0" feature, Sarah Durham wrangles the overarching strategies from a number of efforts, which you can use in your own campaigns.
How Does Your (Fundraising) Garden Grow?
That's the question that Paula Birnbaum Guillet, head of fundraising development and innovation at UNICEF, and global fundraising consultant Bernard Ross ask in this month's cover story, a special report on fundraising innovation. The consensus: If your approach to fundraising is overrun with the weeds of fear and stale thinking, it’s time to sow some seeds of innovation. This report shows you how.
You Talkin' to Us?
You can, you know. If you want to share your thoughts on something you've seen (or would like to see) in the pages of FS or in either of our e-letters (the FS Advisor or FS Giving 2.0) or on fundraising in general, drop us a line at Right now, we're especially interested in hearing about how the economic downturn is affecting your fundraising, both in strategies and response.