To get a handle on what’s in store for 2015, NonProfit PRO rounded up some of the nonprofit industry’s finest, who were kind enough to share their nonprofit trends for 2015. Here are three trends on the giving pyramid and major gifts.
Tycely Williams, chief development officer, American Red Cross National Capital Region
1. Smart development officers are sharing more gift options with donors. Nonprofits won’t be able to achieve or maintain competitive advantage by following the giving pyramid. It is a new day. As a result of technology, donors are smarter and have many avenues for education — forget the mechanics of major and planned giving. Donors turn to nonprofits to make a difference, to eradicate a disease, to end an epidemic. First rule of thumb when integrating major and planned gifts is to know what your organization needs financial resources to do — it must be something extraordinary that will invoke excitement.
- Companies:
- American Red Cross