How to Use the Power of Word-of-Mouth Marketing and Fundraising
January 4, 2023 at 9:26 am

Today's donors are savvy, skeptical and well-informed. As a result, they know when someone is trying to sell them something — including donating. So how do you motivate people to support your cause in a world of mass messaging? One way to do it is to go old school with word-of-mouth and align it with your fundraising.

2023: The Year to Start Loving Fundraising Again
December 23, 2022 at 10:17 am

As 2023 is looming in your windshield, I am sharing some ways I’ve found to reduce frustration and — most importantly — improve confidence in your skills as a fundraiser. I encourage you to choose at least three of them and make them part of your personal career growth plan for 2023.

How Humble Is Your Nonprofit?
December 19, 2022 at 10:21 am

Here are some reasons why I believe humility should be a part of every nonprofit’s brand.

2 Ways to Increase Nonprofit Direct Mail Response
December 1, 2022 at 1:05 pm

If you are looking to increase your direct mail response rates in time for your year-end appeal, time is running out. Here are some tips based on behavioral science to help you right now.

Why Nonprofits Should Seek Out Younger Donors
November 9, 2022 at 10:35 am

It’s a common tactic for nonprofit organizations to seek out an older donor base in the hopes of soliciting larger gifts. When most people think of millennials and Generation Z, their financial freedom to give doesn’t typically come to mind.

Maximize Your Social Fundraising This Giving Season
October 28, 2022 at 11:20 am

With more than $6 billion having been raised through Facebook and Instagram fundraisers now, social fundraising has cemented itself as a key strategy for increasing nonprofits’ revenue streams.