A Relationship Block to Success in Major Gifts
February 5, 2018 at 11:48 am

We all talk about the need for relationship in major gifts. And we all know that relationship is the key to successโ€”servicing the desires and dreams of the donor in an ethical, sincere and caring way is what will cause a generous financial response...

Keep Moving Toward More Monthly Donors
February 5, 2018 at 11:45 am

If you have a small number of monthly donors, you always want to be moving toward growing that number: to the next 50, to the next 100 or, perhaps, to the next 1,000, but moving you must. Iโ€™m also a strong believer of writing down your โ€œmovingโ€ goal and developing a plan to get there. Thereโ€™s something truly magical about writing down goals because you will indeed get there...

Itโ€™s Time to Move From โ€˜Boredโ€™ to Stimulating Board Meetings
February 2, 2018 at 11:30 am

I was recently asked to make a presentation at a hospital foundationโ€™s board of directors meeting. The foundation executive director wanted me to speak on how to engage his board members in fundraising. I truly enjoy teaching and speaking to groups, so I was prepared. The secondary benefit for me in meeting with this group was to watch the executive director interact with his board chair and board members and see how the meeting was directed...

Corporate Engagement of Employees: Itโ€™s Weird
January 31, 2018 at 12:59 pm

Recently, we met with a major health care nonprofit that was reviewing its fundraising portfolio. Their peer-to-peer campaign had become an unholy mix of walks and runs, often holding runs and walks on the same day, mixing constituents who showed great affinity to their cause with others who showed great affinity to running 5K races...

How to Ask for Monthly Gifts at Your Gala Event
January 29, 2018 at 12:34 pm

A nonprofit in the process of launching its monthly donor program has its annual gala coming up this spring. Donors typically pay $100 to $150 for a ticket to attend. Usually this is the event where youโ€™re looking for โ€œpeople who can show you the money...

The Importance of Debate for the Development Professional
January 26, 2018 at 11:11 am

For thousands of us in the nonprofit profession, a goal of self-improvement is a must. The complex nature of the profession implores the need for constant examination and re-examination of oneโ€™s skills and abilities. There is a foundation for which that everyone must have if they are to succeed in this profession...

A Practical Guide to Collaboration in Grantmaking
January 25, 2018 at 1:39 pm

Foundations and nonprofits have ambitious goals. In our work, we often talk about how systems change and foundations make major investments to achieve societal impact. This work is incredibly challenging and complex, and, increasingly, we are all coming to the realization that the old ways of working are becoming obsolete...

Phubbing: New Norm or No-No?
January 25, 2018 at 12:23 pm

To the uninitiated, phubbing is the act of snubbing people in favor of your cell phone. The practice has become so widespread, you may not even notice it. We've all been there: out to eat with friends, instead of conversation or even menu-grazing, people are working their phones. Then there are meetings where employees pull out their mobile phones, slap them on the table and tap out messages, unapologetically multitasking, as the meeting proceeds...

2 Keys to Improving Nonprofit Leadership
January 25, 2018 at 12:11 pm

There are some fantastic leaders in our nonprofit arenaโ€”CEOs, chief development officers and beyond. There are also some leaders who are underperforming and too often get passed from organization to organization...