The Real Cost of Overhead
December 11, 2014

Liz's worthy organization sought to be frugal for years. Not a bad thing. Gradually, but surely, this desire to be financially responsible morphed into a cost-cutting monster. That's when the need to keep faith with investors, donors — those who pay the bills — somehow got lost in the desire to maximize cash flow and reduce overhead to zero — if possible.

Just the Stats (and Infographics): 2014 Give Local America Donor Data
November 7, 2014

On May 6 of this year, more than 300,00 donors gave more than $53 million to 7,000 nonprofits in 120 communities as part of Give Local America, making it the largest, single-day charitable crowdfunding event ever. Give Local America and nonprofit crowdfunding and technology provider Kimbia shared these stats and two infographics on Give Local donors.

6 Keys to Fundraising Success With Millennials
August 7, 2014

Knowing how to effectively interact with the younger generation is imperative to successful fundraising efforts. Here are six tips to help you fundraise with the millennial generation.

What's in a Personality?
August 5, 2014

Believe it or not, your donors actually have expectations based on specific character traits.

If I’m Not the Target Audience, Who Is?
July 3, 2014

I have to know who you are if I hope to penetrate your busy world and earn a few minutes of your time to listen. Otherwise, I am just more white noise in a day already cluttered with too much babble that is easily ignored.

The Power of Data in Finding and Building Relationships
June 20, 2014

You hear it time and time again at conferences, in articles and books, during webinars, and in trainings — fundraising is all about relationships. And in this era of big data, there are few things more valuable for fundraisers than unearthing actionable data points that can help build stronger relationships with prospects and donors.

Data: What EXACTLY Should You Be Measuring?
June 9, 2014

Like with most things in life, the key to generating solid data that will make a difference in your donor relationships and, subsequently, your fundraising is to go for quality over quantity.