
So Fast Google Can't Ignore You: Donations Optimized for SEO
September 1, 2014

So much rides on our search engine rankings. In Canada, 3 percent to 6 percent of donated dollars go to international charities. It’s a very competitive marketplace for all nonprofits and extremely competitive for international charities. Advertising can be effective, but it’s also costly. Search engine optimization (SEO) allows us to capture the attention of the niche market of people who may want to make an overseas donation.

Today's Twitter Picks
July 24, 2014

Tweets from yesterday's Twitter chat follow-up to the Engage Virtual Workshop: Driving Donations With Data (#engagedata).

Free Download: 101 Social Media Posts
July 16, 2014

In this free download you'll find 101 ready-to-go social media post ideas for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube  and LinkedIn. Plus, we sprinkled in some real examples from nonprofits who are creating great social media content. Please, borrow some of our ideas and use them as your own!

Is There an App for Us?
July 1, 2014

Got an idea for an app that could connect a charity or nonprofit with its supporters and beneficiaries in an ongoing way, one that could become part of their daily or at least weekly lives?

3 Ways to Enhance Your Email Performance
July 1, 2014

Mobile email open rates continue to climb, and there are major impacts of this trend on your nonprofit. Here are three things this trend will drive your nonprofit to address should you want to continue to use email to engage and fundraise.

Nonprofit Marketing Tips From 19 Experts
June 17, 2014

A while ago, I was invited to be a guest lecturer at Brandeis University. As my friend David Mersky, managing director of Mersky, Jaffe & Associates, was introducing me, I put this question across various social-media platforms:

RIGHT NOW: Nonprofit people, what marketing tips would you tell a graduate class on philanthropy? I'm guest lecturing at Brandeis right now and would love to show the power of social media.

There was a lot of wisdom in the responses so I thought I'd share them with you. I'm including the links to the people who posted them.

7 Actionable Tips to Improve Your Nonprofit's Content Marketing
June 17, 2014

A great way to connect new donors with your nonprofit is through content marketing. By sharing the knowledge of what you do, you can give people an “in” to your organization and cause. Here are seven easy and actionable tips for increasing the effectiveness of your nonprofit organization’s content-marketing efforts: Do keyword research, monitor audience response, SEO-optimize your posts, put your audience in the headline, post with regularity, always include an image and encourage social sharing.

Case Study: Small Nonprofit Organization Tech Setup
June 12, 2014

Being a small organization does not mean you have to settle for small technology. It does require some deliberate decisions on where you spend money on technology though. Even a $5 per month subscription matters. Resources, expertise and time are real limitations with small organizations that depend on a limited staff to do everything.

However, small nonprofits have huge opportunity to leverage opportunities in ways large organizations simply can't. Seriously, stop and think about it.