Fundraiser Education

How to Succeed in Your First 60 days
January 3, 2017 at 11:33 am

If you or someone you know is either looking for an MGO position or just started in one, I’m going to give you a road map for what to do in your first 60 days. If you follow this road map, you will not only start out your position on the right foot, but you will also give your manager a sigh of relief and, ultimately, comfort your donors. There are two things you need to concentrate on...

What Can the King of Rock and Roll Teach Us About Fundraising? (Video)
January 3, 2017 at 9:42 am

Believe it or not, my Elvis obsession helped me arrive here, right at this video from University of Cambridge. Elvis has played a central, deified role in his life and in the lives of the women who knew him. But in this video, he’s cast as a more peripheral character. In the short clip, a Cambridge historian narrates the fascinating history of teenage fundraising in 1950s America...

Our Favorite Posts of 2016
December 30, 2016 at 12:23 pm

Everyone is out of the office and the long weekend looms almost within reach. So, we're taking it easy today, and you should too—by kicking back and reading (or re-reading!) some of these stories you may have missed in 2016. These aren't our most-read stories or even the most important ones, but they're a selection of our personal favorites, those we most enjoyed writing and reading...

Stop, Look and Evaluate: 3 Things to Consider for 2017
December 30, 2016 at 9:24 am

It is hard to believe that 2017 is almost here. Where did the time go? Many of us had a fiscal year that started in July 2016, so we are at halftime in this fundraising year. Others are just beginning a new calendar year filled with hope and possibilities. Wherever you are in the fundraising calendar continuum, you should take a moment to stop, look and evaluate before you jump without a parachute into 2017...

Bragging About Program-to-Admin Ratios Is a Destructive Practice that Needs to Die
December 29, 2016 at 9:15 am

I know that many of us have sent out our year-end appeal letter, or are in the process of doing so. Some of us are pouring our blood, sweat and tears into these letters, sometimes literally, with the paper cuts and the occasional weeping over the hundreds or thousands of letters that need to be…

Was 2016 a Good Year for Charitable Giving? Will 2017 be Better?
December 29, 2016 at 9:12 am

We’re rapidly approaching the close of what has been a tumultuous year. In 2016, the U.S. experienced an unusually bitter presidential campaign culminating in the unexpected election of Donald Trump. In the U.K., voters chose to exit the European Union—the surprise Brexit vote sent shockwaves around the globe. The civil war in Syria continued to…

Fundraising and Football Part 4: Keeping Score and Winning Teams
December 28, 2016 at 12:17 pm

In part three of this fundraising and football series last week, we discussed campaigns being a rallying call and the benefits of utilizing people in their most effective roles. This week, we’re covering two more things fundraisers can learn from the game: keeping score and being part of a winning team...

Have You Gotten Used to the Squirrels in Your Organization?
December 27, 2016 at 11:26 am

It's the truth: As a sector, we’re accustomed to dysfunction. Sometimes we're mired in it. We’re used to a mentality of lack, rather than embracing the abundance that surrounds us. We’re so busy trying to pinch pennies that the dollars are whizzing by us. And we're often oblivious to that. This becomes our "normal." But it isn't right...

Does Following Fundraising Best Practices Help or Hurt?
December 27, 2016 at 11:05 am

What's worse in fundraising: Doing what everyone is doing? Or following your own path? The answer, of course, is it depends. The downside of carefully following "best practices" is articulated by The Agitator, at "Losing Donors In The Sea of Sameness." They call it herd behavior and "sloppy, copycat practices." Which is frequently true. But…

What If the Nonprofit Sector Didn't Exist? The Spirit of Giving at Christmas
December 22, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Think of the impact of time, talent and treasure the nonprofit sector provides on a macro level in the U.S. in a given year. Millions of men, women and children receive free benefits from thousands of organizations dedicated to serving populations in need. What would happen if these organizations did not exist?...