Fundraiser Education

Fundraiser, You May Have Not Signed Up for This …
March 5, 2015

For whatever reason you became a fundraiser, if you want to grow in the field you're going to end up doing more and learning more than you ever thought you wanted to do and learn. You may not have signed up for these things, but they can help make you a better fundraiser. For example …

6 Habits of Fundraising Excellence
February 26, 2015

Knowledge matters in fundraising, but that's not all. What each of us brings to the job matters, and I am convinced that a daily commitment to these six habits is critical to be excellent fundraisers.

Major Gifts Fundraising: You Need a Friend
February 23, 2015

As a major gifts fundraising professional, you need people in your life to help guide you personally and professionally. I'm saddened when I see good fundraisers think they can do it on their own, that they don't need advice or they can't listen to good criticism of their work.

10 Ways to Always Be Prepared for Your Next Nonprofit Job
February 13, 2015

When we chose this field, we knew it might take 10 jobs to get us from career beginning to end. Even if you feel "secure" in your current position, always prepare for your next job. It will be here before you know it!

Fundraising: Avoiding the Quagmire
February 12, 2015

While even the best-laid plans can still fail from time to time, when you are evaluating any fundraising option — or something else that will consume time that could be spent building relationships with donors — there are some steps you can take to minimize the risk that the project ends up being a case history for fundraising disaster.