
Community Foundations Score Big With Give Local Day May 6
May 8, 2014

All across the country May 6, community foundations, in celebration of the 100-year anniversary of the nation’s first community foundation, ran “Give Local” 24-hour campaigns to bring donations to area nonprofits. The homegrown campaigns largely took place online but included challenge grants and other incentives, contests and community events. In total, according to the Give Local website, 310,977 gifts were given across approximately 80 cities (this number varies in differing accounts) for a total of more than $51.6 million.

Timeline for Planning a Profitable Fundraising Event
May 6, 2014

Raising money from events is the hardest money you’ll ever raise. Love them or hate them, fundraising events are here to stay. They are part of the scene for many nonprofits. And there’s tons of internal political support to keep them, whether they are really making money or not.

Since you and your organization are committed to an event, let’s make sure it is the best event ever.

How to Get People Excited About Your Nonprofit's Next Fundraising Campaign
April 28, 2014

No matter what your approach to generating funds, there are two factors that must be assessed in order to host a successful event: understanding your message and knowing your audience. This might seem like common sense, but if you don’t take the time to clearly outline your themes and your audience’s interests, you’ll be disappointed with the results.

Here are a few questions that you should answer before organizing or advertising your event …

Challenges and Benefits of Nonprofit Event Fundraising
March 25, 2014

Spring is here and so is the event fundraising season! Events that raise money for causes and nonprofits can take many forms from 5k runs and walk-a-thons to endurance bike rides. In recent years, nonprofits have expanded these activities to include mud runs, polar plunges, even head-shaving! But just like any large undertaking, planning a fundraising event has its benefits and challenges. They can bring in a lot of revenue for the organization, but can also put tremendous strain on a nonprofit’s resources.

5 Ways to Get More Fundraising Event RSVPs
March 10, 2014

Your fundraising event's success depends on the quantity (and quality) of guests who RSVP (and actually show up). Getting guests to let you know that they're coming shouldn't be so hard, right? If you're busy fighting responses like, "I'm too busy that week," "I lost the invite," and "I don't know anybody else going," don't lose hope! To help you get more RSVPs, try these five ideas before your next fundraising event!

3 Ways to Successfully Incorporate Independent Fundraising Events
March 10, 2014

Independent fundraising events, also known as DIY fundraising or third-party events, are emerging as a core strategy within peer-to-peer fundraising in large part to meet the wishes of donors. These programs are not replacing traditional peer-to-peer events, but supplementing them by allowing donors to fundraise on their own.

Study: Independent Fundraising Events Driven by Donor Happiness, Engagement
February 26, 2014

Charity Dynamics released the findings of its Independent Fundraising Event (IFE) Study demonstrating the emergence of IFEs as a core strategy for allowing donors to drive their engagement and support avenues. IFEs, also known as DIY fundraising, are donor-led peer-to-peer initiatives and often include virtual events, tribute campaigns or other grassroots activities.

More than half (57 percent) of organizations with existing IFE programs cite factors related to donor happiness or engagement as the driving forces behind their programs.

3 Quick Ways to Raise More Money at Your Next Event
February 18, 2014

Fundraising events are a staple of nonprofit development. Yet so many organizations that rely on events are consistently disappointed with the amount they raise through this method. Here are three quick tips for raising more money at your next fundraising event: 1. Track attendees for future fundraising events. 2. Make phone calls. 3. Keep your events accessible.

5 Tips for Planning Your Next Fundraising Event
February 6, 2014

As 2014 is gearing up in full swing, you're probably planning out your events calendar for the year. At Eventbrite, I work with a lot of nonprofits, universities and faith-based organizations to share best practices for fundraising and trends we're seeing in the industry. Here are five tips to help with the planning process of your next fundraiser: 1. Choose a theme that resonates with your audience. 2. Create a calendar. 3. Incentivize early ticket purchasing. 4. Build an informative event page. 5. Track, track, track.