
Overhead Isn’t the Issue — and It’s Not a Fundraising Tool
April 29, 2013

As a nonprofit staff member, you need to be ready to explain your organization's overhead. High or low, be ready to tell the story. But as you’re talking with donors and prospects, don’t brag about the percentage. You don’t want to be in that conversation. And focusing on percentages cripples your board members’ ability to fundraise. Focusing on percentages and budgets makes it very difficult for board members and others to make solicitations. It stresses them out, like math tests did to so many of us in school. And that stress is unnecessary.

Emotional Shorthand
April 29, 2013

Think of it like juggling rattlesnakes: If done right, a properly chosen cliché can be as good as gold. But done wrong it'll go over like a lead balloon.

Getting Your 46 Cents Worth
April 25, 2013

I am a firm believer that receipts have an important purpose in our fundraising strategy and should be mailed quickly after (almost) every donation. Here's why.

Make Your Materials Clear for Older Donors
April 19, 2013

Changes in eyesight are inevitable as human beings age, according to The Canadian Association of Optometrists. Blurred vision at close range and growing need for higher light levels affect everyone in his or her middle years. That means it’s becoming harder every year for your boomer and civic donors — your most generous cohorts if your charity is typical — to see your printed materials, e-mails and website. To keep your print pieces with these groups clear and readable, follow these tips from CNIB.

Copywriting? Use More Paint
April 15, 2013

There's great power in your words. But to find it, you must, as the Second Apparition told Macbeth, "Be bloody, bold and resolute."