Today's Featured Blog Posts
Transmedia: Multichannel Storytelling Transcends Platforms
"Transmedia storytelling challenges conventional siloed storytelling by transcending singular form to engage users. Die hard Star Wars or Star Trek fans can testify the many extensions of their narrative story in multiple media forms extend their stories beyond film. The Star Wars experience transcends so many media types and producers that Lucasfilm employs a story cop to make sure elements don't contradict each other." Read the full post.
Building your nonprofit's email list
"Oh, I know there are brokers who'll rent you a list and claim they aren't spammers. These must seem like a God-send to new nonprofits. You get to 'mail' without any printing or postage costs! But blasting to a list isn't really effective. Think about your own experience: if you were to receive an email from a group you didn't know, would you read it? Be honest." Read the full post.