The Great Schlep

Targeted sites
While I’m not a fan of sub-branding or microsites just for fun, these folks understood that the audiences for these projects were motivated by different things, and they built campaigns and Web sites that spoke directly to their unique points of view., for instance, provided tools to speak, call, e-mail or otherwise get the pro-Obama message out in a fairly straightforward, noncontroversial way (appealing to, say, my 72-year-old, Obama-supporting, Jewish mom). More than 7,000 people signed up for free memberships on this site in about four months, then sent, collectively, more than 10,000 e-mails.

Sarah Durham is president of Big Duck, a New York City-based branding, marketing and fundraising firm for nonprofits. She serves on the boards of the National Brain Tumor Society and the New York Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).