Newton, Mass.

Lutheran Social Services of Mid-America had a problem: Its name confused people. The Ohio-based organization works with people of all faiths, not just Lutherans, offering services from credit counseling to senior-living facilities. The “mid-America” was unclear, too. What to do?

“Many people didn’t know about our organization,” says Pam Blumensheid, director of marketing for Lutheran Social Services of Mid-America. “We were providing good work, but people didn’t know about it. We needed to build identity.”

Is Your Campaign Feasible? Dec. 20, 2005 By Abny Santicola A feasibility study is the nonprofit version of market research and an important component of a capital campaign, says Susan Galler, president and founder of Newton, Mass.-based full-service executive search and institutional development consulting firm The Galler Group. The feasibility study helps a nonprofit organization determine whether its case for support for a capital campaign is compelling --whether potential donors have confidence in the management team and board leadership of an organization; if the case is strong enough to secure significant gifts; and whether the vision is enticing enough to get volunteers to step

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