NASHVILLE, Tenn., November 19, 2009 — Synergy Production Group today announced the 2010 launch of the Hoops of Hope All-Stars Tour to raise funds for projects benefiting AIDS orphans in Africa. Deemed "the world's largest free throw festival," the events will take place across 12 cities throughout the United States, beginning in April through August 2010.

The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston recently received in its halls a number of donor kiosks — PCs with embedded keyboards and flat screens that run loops of the institute's ads and allow visitors to learn more about the institution and its donors, sign up for e-newsletters, make a credit card donation, and forward the donation page to a friend.

AUSTIN, Texas, November 16, 2009 — Convio, a company that is passionate about helping nonprofit organizations use software and services to fulfill their missions, today begins their fourth annual Convio Summit at the Renaissance Hotel, November 16-18. Convio Summit brings together a community of Convio clients, industry experts, and more than 35 partner organizations to share common experiences with their peers and to discuss the latest strategies for nonprofits to boost online fundraising, advocacy and marketing efforts.

Austin, TX, November 3, 2009 — Austin-based wayfinding and environmental graphic design consultant fd2s has completed the development of an innovative donor kiosk system for the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

AUSTIN, Texas, October 28, 2009 — Sage North America today announced the results of its recently conducted social media survey for nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and Canada. One of the most interesting findings: 91% of respondents raise funds online, but only 58 percent of those nonprofits using social media cite fundraising as a goal for using it. “Sharing our story,” building a community, public relations, and donor engagement/retention – not raising funds – were listed as the nonprofits’ top reasons for engaging in social media.

AUSTIN, Texas, September 21, 2009 — When it comes to online giving to charity, Alexandria, VA, Cambridge, MA and Minneapolis, MN topped thelist as the nation`s most generous cities based on per capita giving in 2008. The three cities are also leading the way in online giving for 2009. When it comes to cities of less than 100,000 people, Paramus, NJ so far tops the list of dollars given in 2009 followed by Princeton, NJ and Georgetown, TX.A new report by Convio ranks 273 cities (with total population of
more than 100,000) based on actual per capita online giving and more than 1,700 cities of less than 100,000 people based on the amount donated online. The 2008 rankings are based on the more than $777 million in online donations processed by Convio on behalf of thousands of the nation`s leading nonprofit organizations during the calendar year. The current rankings come from donations processed between January 1 and August 31, 2009.

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