
Brand-X-Press Helps Nonprofits Raise Funds and Awareness Through Social Media Marketing Games and Public Service Announcements
September 21, 2009

Cary, NC, September 15, 2009 — Brand-X-Press (BXP) Walk for the Cause games and animated Public Service Announcements (PSA) are distributed virally through social media networks such as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Twitter and YouTube as well as the nonprofit organization's website. BXP customized Walk for the Cause games teach players about the nonprofit's mission by incorporating multiple choice questions before players can advance to the next level of play. Mission branding is sprinkled throughout the game and PSA.

TwitCause Is Yes, a Causes for Twitter
August 7, 2009

August 6, 2009, The Washington Post — Since the early days of the Facebook Platform, Causes has been one of the most popular apps. It's also big on MySpace, and the company behind it recently announced that they had raised some $10,000,000 for various causes in two years. It makes sense; it's using the social aspect of these platforms to spread the word on good initiatives. A new startup, TwitCause, wants to extend that idea to Twitter.

Study: Who's On Which Social Nets
August 4, 2009

July 27, 2009, MediaPost — Marketers that are frustrated with targeting specific age groups or demographics in Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn could glean insight from a recent study by Anderson Analytics.

Margelina Redux
July 1, 2009

Margelina, my long-lost Second Life avatar, has a friend! Her name is TinaLouise Serendipity. I created her because I couldn’t remember Margelina’s password. So they’re more like stepsisters and, actually, they have yet to meet.

Social Networks: Where the Party's At
May 13, 2009

Social networking now trumps e-mail as the most popular Internet activity, according to a report recently released by Nielsen. What's more, social networks and blogging sites account for nearly 10 percent of all Internet time. Yet, these sites are a largely unmonetized form of media, in terms of advertising and fundraising.

Spread the Word!
May 1, 2009

A few weeks ago, I received an e-mail from Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. The ask was simple: Please click here or on the image above, watch the video and then click on “Share” to add the video to your Facebook, MySpace and other networking sites! Adding this video is quick and easy. Thank you for helping to spread the word!

Visible Measures Partners With MySpace for Internet Video Measurement
April 14, 2009

BOSTON, April 14, 2009 — Visible Measures, the independent third-party measurement firm for Internet video publishers, advertisers, and social marketers, today announced that it has entered into a comprehensive agreement to become the online video measurement platform of record for MySpace, the world's premiere social portal. By collecting detailed audience behavior data on each of the several hundred million video streams it serves every month, Visible Measures will give MySpace the ability to provide its advertising clients and content providers with best-in-class visibility into campaign performance and content effectiveness. As part of this agreement, MySpace will deploy Visible Measures' patented Internet video metrics platform and Visible Measures will be named as MySpace's official provider of digital video measurement and metrics.

Many Donors Giving Smaller Charitable Contributions to Fewer Organizations
March 17, 2009

The Harris Poll® examined the behaviors and attitudes of people who give money or time to charitable organizations or advocate for them, and how their behavior has changed as a result of the economy. Almost half (45%) of these people report that their giving and their volunteering have not changed, but many people are giving to fewer organizations (24%) or giving smaller amounts (31%). In addition, six percent are not making any donations and seven percent are volunteering less. The only positive finding is that nine percent report volunteering more of their time because of the economic downturn.

Get Your Head Out of … the Sand
March 1, 2009

Yesterday, the mother of a sick child Googled the name of a devastating disease. She got thousands of results, but the ones that interested her the most were links to your organization’s Web site; two stories from the national media; a handful of online support groups for patients and their families; a general health Web site with online communities dedicated to the disease; and one site focused exclusively on a heartsick father’s negative experience with an operator on your organization’s support line.