Charity Navigator

Year-End Charitable Giving Expected To Be Flat
November 7, 2011

America's charities, which receive a significant portion of their annual contributions during the holiday giving season, will be heartened to know that donors who gave last year-end plan to give again this year-end. The recent survey about year-end giving by Charity Navigator, the nation's largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities, also found that the majority of donors expect to give at the same level as they did last year.

Watchdog Group Adopts Change in Rating System
September 26, 2011

The watchdog group Charity Navigator revamped its ratings system this week as part of a plan to move beyond evaluating charities based solely on their financial performance.

The website now places equal weight on a charity’s governance and openness about its operations as it does on financial information.

Ken Berger, Charity Navigator’s president, said the new system would give donors a clearer picture of how charities are managed and nudge nonprofits toward improving their governance practices.

Donors Are Settling for a 'Bronze Standard' for Measuring Charities
June 15, 2011

Sometimes even the best donors give money to bad organizations, Jacob Harold, a program officer at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, told a meeting Monday of nonprofit officials held at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. In some cases, Harold says, these donors focus on the wrong type of information when making decisions about their giving, often looking only at organizations’ overhead and not at whether they are effective in fulfilling their missions.

The Big Spill Over 'Three Cups of Tea'
May 2, 2011

Grassroots nonprofits now find themselves under intense scrutiny because of the Mortenson scandal. Many are considering going to new lengths to demonstrate to potential donors that they're on the up-and-up. All are bracing for an impact on giving. Many foundations and wealthy donors now are cautious because of "reputational risk" if they give to organizations that falter.

The scandal is the talk of the nonprofit community. More extensive auditing is likely to result, according to Jim Zoiklowski, founder/president of nonprofit BuildOn, which runs afterschool programs in America and builds schools abroad.

How Welcoming Is Your Donor-Welcome Package?
April 7, 2011

Competition is stiff — new mail solicitations arrive every day. Through the mailbox or the inbox, organizations must build a connection with their donors right from the start to begin long and fruitful relationships. Here are seven ways to improve your welcome package ... and ultimately improve retention.