Amnesty International USA

What kind of direct-marketing trends made their mark on the MAXIs in the fundraising and nonprofit space this year?
Blackbaud released findings from its Next Generation of American Giving study that explores charitable-giving trends and engagement behaviors and attitudes across four different generations — matures (68+), boomers (49-67), Gen X (33-48) and Gen Y (18-32). Baby boomers are emerging as the dominant force in charitable giving, responsible for 43 percent of all dollars donated. The study also revealed that multichannel engagement is the new normal, but the ideal mix varies from generation to generation.
Here, FS Editorial Advisory Board co-chair Dane Grams, the national director of direct response at Amnesty International USA, talks with Amber Fowler, executive director, Northwest Burn Foundation.
In December 2012, Dane Grams, director of direct response at Amnesty International USA and co-chair of the FS Editorial Advisory Board, spent "A Minute With Cristi Hegranes, Founder and Executive Director, The Global Press Institute," to discuss the organization's fundraising.
For our January cover story this year, "Sleepless in 2013," we transcribed that closing session with Dane Grams, national director of direct response at Amnesty International USA; fundraising consultant Jo Sullivan; Jeff Jowdy, founder and presider of Lighthouse Counsel; Marc Pitman, founder of FundraisingCoach.com; and Tom Harrison, CEO of Russ Reid — all of whom will be presenting or leading roundtables at Engage — as well as fellow Editorial Advisory Board member Christina Johns, director of new media at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.
For our January 2011 cover story, Dane Grams and Richard DeVeau shared ways small fundraising staffs can be real powerhouses when it comes to raising money in "Little Dogs … Big Tricks."
Go out and have those conversations, share and collaborate with your fundraising colleagues and peers. It is an invaluable resource that the fundraising industry is truly special to have and embrace.
Listen in as some of fundraising's freshest thinkers take on some of the sector's toughest topics — the things that should be top of mind in the new year.
Chapman Cubine Adams + Hussey received a platinum Big Idea Award for a campaign with The Trust for Public Land and 19 (for a total of 20) 2012 MAXI Awards for its direct-marketing efforts on behalf of 13 clients. The awards span multiple categories and include CCAH’s work in digital media, direct mail, multichannel and telemarketing.
Charlotte Brandin of World Childhood Foundation USA and Fredrik Oscarson of Mobiento shared ways that WCF, Doctors Without Borders and Amnesty International implemented mobile fundraising and advocacy at the 2011 Nonprofit Mobile Day.