
When giving back, corporate America takes a different path
June 24, 2011

A recent charitable giving report found that corporate America stepped up to the plate to give in larger numbers last year, up 8.8% after inflation from the year before.

But not every corporation is writing checks these days.

For instance, this year, in honor of its 100-year anniversary, IBM asked its employees around the world to commit to a day of service on June 15, and more than 300,000 took the call. According to the company, close to three-quarters of its global workforce volunteered in more than 5,000 projects in 120 countries.

Deloitte Survey Finds Workers Who Frequently Volunteer Are Happier With Career Progression
June 9, 2011

A new Deloitte survey reveals that millennials who frequently participate in workplace volunteer activities are far more likely to be proud, loyal and satisfied employees compared to those who rarely or never volunteer. The findings come from the eighth annual Deloitte Volunteer IMPACT Survey. Further, more than one-third of those who frequently volunteer are more likely to be very satisfied with the progression of their career. These and other findings from the survey suggest a link between volunteerism and the quality of employee engagement as well as favorable employee perceptions of organizational culture.

For Some, Helping With Disaster Relief Is Not Just Aid, It’s a Calling
May 11, 2011

With the ability to feed 20,000 people from one mobile kitchen, and a chain of command so tightly run it would make a military officer proud, the Southern Baptist Convention teams are the backbone of disaster relief in the South. Nearly 95,000 Baptists across the country are trained to handle disasters. After the Red Cross and Salvation Army, the Baptist group is the biggest disaster relief organization in the country.

Thousands of church members are doing their part to help the South recover from the recent tornadoes. They raise money, sort clothing donations and hand out water.

10 Foolproof Fundraising Tactics
May 1, 2011

The economy … well … sucks at the moment! But does that really mean nobody is giving? Nope! Fundraising is alive and well and even thriving. I have 10 tips to help you get your share of the money that's going around.

Orlando charities get boost from unlikely source: Conventioneers
April 7, 2011

Between the recessionary slump in charitable giving and cuts from federal and state government, local nonprofits have faced challenging times in recent years. But Orlando has one perk that most cities don't — the 3 million visitors who come here for corporate retreats, annual meetings and conventions each year.

Increasingly, their companies and organizations are seeking hefty community-service projects while they're in town, both to boost morale and promote a public image as one of the good guys.

New Tool Created to Enable Global Tracking of Volunteering
March 24, 2011

The Johns Hopkins University Center for Civil Society Studies and the International Labour Organization have announced the release of a new manual to help statistical agencies around the world track the amount, type and value of volunteer work in their countries.

The Manual on the Measurement of Volunteer Work is believed to be the first internationally sanctioned guide to generating reliable, official data on volunteer work using a common definition and approach.

Volunteers help fill holes that budget cuts left in cities' staffs
March 1, 2011

Deeby Kadrie staffed the reception desk of the Wayzata Public Works Department last week, fielding calls, preparing a mailing and signing for parcels. She loves the job -- even though she isn't getting paid.

Kadrie is among about 120 volunteers helping the western suburb cope with the loss of 10 employee positions in the past two years, or about 15 percent of its workforce.

Across the state, volunteers are bailing out government.