Direct Response

6 Ideas for Dealing With 'Take Me Off Your List' Requests
September 25, 2014

How do you handle donor requests to be removed from your list? This may surprise some of you, but, "Duh! We remove them!" isn't always the right answer. Given that your donor file is so valuable, a well-thought-out strategy is needed for responding in a way that both honors the donor's intent and safeguards your asset.

Training for the Future of Fundraising
August 7, 2014

The skills you will need aren't "rocket science" — they're the same skills that separate the good fundraisers from the great ones even now in boring old 2014.

What's in a Personality?
August 5, 2014

Believe it or not, your donors actually have expectations based on specific character traits.

6 Ways to Strengthen the Heart of a Fundraising Letter
July 21, 2014

A great fundraising appeal or email can have many different variables. But a clear call to action must be a constant. So whatever else you play around with in a package, keep your call to action highly visible and to the point.