
3 Keys to a Successful Advisory Board
August 17, 2016 at 11:40 am

An advisory board can be an incredible nonprofit and higher education resource, especially in fundraising. What is an advisory board? An advisory board is a non-governing body that provides advice and often serves as ambassadors for an officer or an organization. For example, in higher education at a state-sponsored university, a college or dean might have an advisory board...

Help! My Board Chair Is a Wimp
August 12, 2016 at 10:03 am

Small town. The center of culture lives here at this library. And the building is a jewel in the town. Historic. Small staff. Small local board. Not a lot of money for board education. Actually, no money. Also, not a lot of role clarity. In fact, two staff members are also board members. Messy. It’s…

4 Ways Every Board Member Can Help With Your Capital Campaign
August 8, 2016 at 9:00 am

Chances are good that most of your board members have only a vague notion of what will be expected of them in your capital campaign. Board members who know they can’t make big gifts to the campaign may be especially concerned, since they may not even know many people who could. They may even be quietly wondering if they should resign from the board...

10 Opportunities for Nonprofit Board Members to Tell Stories
August 1, 2016 at 10:59 am

Easing board members into fundraising can be a rewarding and fun process, especially if they focus on just telling stories. Last month on the blog, I shared three types of stories that nonprofit board members can tell. Once board members have stories in mind that they would like to tell, they may be wondering where…

Board Members: Some Ideas About Fundraising That Might Surprise You!
July 29, 2016 at 11:59 am

If you are a nonprofit board member, does this sound familiar? Your organization needs more financial resources. And, you are not sure which path to take. Should you: Help launch another fundraising event? Invite your friends over for coffee and ask them for support? Organize a campaign for major gifts? It can be confusing to…

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Nonprofit Board's Contacts
July 27, 2016 at 10:09 am

Nonprofit leaders have a valuable resource hidden in plain sight. It's their board members. Your board is not just for fundraising or decision-making. Its relationship capital is worth a lot more. It can help meet many of your organization's needs. Combine the connections your board members have built over their careers with the right opportunities,…

3 Ways Nonprofit Board Members Can Tell Stories, Raise Money
July 19, 2016 at 10:07 am

Having been both a fundraiser and a board member, it’s been interesting to see both sides of the conversation about board fundraising. I have to say, having had a seat at the board table and now being a board chair, I have a lot more empathy for what board members are feeling when they are…

Quality Meetings Depend on Quality Agendas
July 15, 2016 at 9:20 am

We all have seen agendas that have time amounts allocated for each item, but are never followed. At a certain point, members get tired or uninterested in the meeting or spend too little time on the most important issues. How many of us take meeting agendas for granted? Since meetings are an important part of our business life, we need to better understand this topic...

Bottom-Line Argument for Better Board Talent
July 14, 2016 at 11:07 am

A new study shows—yet again—that boards are sluggish at succession planning. Can a stronger focus on its financial benefits move the needle? It’s no surprise that boards struggle to find talent. But what do we mean when we say "talent"? And just how important is it? A new study by the KPMG Board Leadership Center…

Into the Sunset: Why Your Nonprofit Should Consider Exit Agreements
July 8, 2016 at 10:58 am

Part of good succession planning for your nonprofit should include the following question: What should we do if a longtime CEO is planning to leave? An exit agreement may be a good answer for your organization. There generally are four reasons nonprofit boards explore an exit agreement. These reasons correspond to the type or focus of the agreement...