
Economy Inspires More to Do Community Service in U.S.
March 10, 2009

President Obama's call to community service is getting a big boost from the recession. Applications are soaring at government-funded service programs, the stimulus package includes $200 million to boost those efforts and Congress is looking for more ways to expand opportunities to help others.

Top Youth Volunteers in Each State Selected in 14th Annual National Awards Program
February 10, 2009

America's 102 most outstanding youth volunteers — two from each state and the District of Columbia — were named State Honorees today by The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, a nationwide program honoring young people for exemplary acts of volunteerism. The awards program, now in its 14th year, is conducted by Prudential Financial, Inc. in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).

"Raising" Your Board
January 6, 2009

For fundraisers, “raising” an organization's board of directors can be just as difficult and as important as raising a dollar.

Many fundraisers make strides every day in turning their boards from grassroots groups of committed people to professional business boards in the hopes of making their organizations better. But this is no simple task. It can be a difficult transition for the board, but it’s a great opportunity for the organization to groom a dedicated group of volunteers. Here are some steps you can take to do just that. Some of the examples are drawn from my own experience with the Church Street School for Music and Art, so the details are education-related, but the root of the advice is applicable across missions.

What Does Your Board Need to Know About Direct Mail?
November 1, 2007

Direct mail can be a challenge, even under the best of circumstances. But despite its difficulties, industry research consistently indicates that, when it comes to funding your mission, direct mail still is the foundation of the most successful donor-contribution efforts. Yet, all too often, CEOs, CFOs and boards of directors don’t really “get” direct mail.

Annual Fund ‘Giving and Getting’ Guidelines for Your Board of Trustees
September 25, 2007

All of your organization’s fundraising campaigns must have the leadership and the financial support of your board of trustees. The most important of those development efforts should be the raising of funds necessary to maintain and enhance your organization’s programs and services year after year. This is accomplished through the annual fund campaign. The annual fund provides the “bedrock” of reasonably predictable renewed support and is the entry level for larger gifts possible for future endowment, capital, sponsorship and underwriting campaigns and planned-giving programs. Thus, the annual fund especially requires that your trustees be in the forefront as they contribute their own funds

And We Quote
August 1, 2007

On Branding: “What we are telling our donors in terms of our brand promise, in terms of our communication strategy, in terms of the donor promise we make when we raise money from them — that’s got to make sense to the staff; it’s got to make sense to the beneficiary; it’s got to make sense to the communities we live in — to society in general. The donor promise, the community promise and the beneficiary promise — they have to be mutually understood and have to be mutually regarded as a win-win, and that becomes the single bottom line.”

Talking Back
September 1, 2006

Letters to the Editor and other opinions/tips.