When Pros Speak
Everyone knows it's all about the blog these days. That's why we're putting out the word that FundRaising Success has a perfectly lovely blog called ProSpeak that is open to guest bloggers. If you raise money for a nonprofit organization — whether as a staff member, consultant or agency partner — we're inviting you to submit guest blog posts to the ProSpeak blog. Blog entries should be no longer than 600 words, and topics can touch on anything that has to do with, well, fundraising and fundraisers. Submit your posts to me at mbattistelli@napco.com with "ProSpeak post" in the subject line. Or call me at my new number: 409.227.4597.
Fundraising Professionals of the Year Awards
We know you're gearing up for that big end-of-year push, but before you jump in, why not give some thought to the professionals you work with and consider nominating someone for the 2011 FundRaising Success Fundraising Professionals of the Year Awards?
There's no fee to nominate someone, and the nomination process is as simple as sending an e-mail. Get more details here, and check out last year's winners here.
Peace & blessings!