Today's Featured Blog Posts
How to Turn Your Stakeholders into Fundraisers: Social Fundraising and How Measurement Can Make It More Effective
"When nonprofits marry tried-and-true fundraising techniques with social media, social fundraising is the result. Social fundraising is only a couple of years old and very much an emerging practice, but it has already shown tremendous power and promise in its ability to turn an organization’s stakeholders into fundraisers. With 90 percent of nonprofits having a presence on Facebook in 2011 and virtually all nonprofits having some presence in social media, best practices in social fundraising are evolving quickly as nonprofits use measurement to learn what works best." Read the full post.
Losing control of your brand? Let’s get excited!
"But no matter how much control you want over the opinions people have of you, we also know that what you say about your brand is not nearly as important as what people say about it. And it’s time to come to terms with that. In fact, it’s time to celebrate it." Read the full post.