Q: What is your organization's main focus for 2021?
Nonprofits are in different places today: Some are still getting their footing after the year that was 2020 while others are moving forward with revised strategies. This year, our organization is focused on helping all of our nonprofit clients see opportunities in the lessons learned from last year, finding ways to optimize their use of technology so they can be more effective and resilient when it comes to fundraising and mission delivery — no matter what the future brings.
Mark Becker
Founding Partner
Cathexis Partners
Over the past year, RAISE has helped nonprofits successfully raise millions of dollars in this new climate, pivoting from traditional events to virtual campaigns, and developing compelling messaging and appropriate cultivation opportunities. In 2021, we are focused on helping nonprofits get their fundraising mojo back — back into fundraising with confidence, employing savvy strategies, using everything we know regarding best practices from pre-pandemic and what we’ve learned during the pandemic to create a new approach that speaks to where we are now.
Rachel Cyrulnik, MPA
RAISE Nonprofit Advisors
Our 2021 goals are continuations of our 2020 strategy changes. We are working toward recruiting a higher value direct mail donor. We are focusing on improving multi-year retention across channels. Aligning with this, we are continuing our efforts to grow, retain and upgrade our sustainer universe.
Jamie Natelson
SVP of Marketing
The Humane Society of the U.S.