Editor’s Note: Hope Mongers
My unwavering respect for nonprofit folks — especially fundraisers — is no secret to the readers of this magazine. And though other issues might take precedence when I write this column 11 months out of the year, there’s nothing more appropriate to write about for the December issue, as the world readies itself for the most hope-filled season of all — whether, for you personally, it be Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Yule. And since I’m writing this in early November, I’ll tip my hat to Thanksgiving and say to you all … thank you. For your continued readership and advertising support of FundRaising Success, of course, but more importantly for the difference you make in the world, every day, just by doing what you do. Keep up the good work, you merry band of hope mongers. What you do matters, and we’re all the better for it.
- Companies:
- People Magazine
- Places:
- America
- Philadelphia