Words, Words, Words
September 7, 2017 at 1:04 pm

In the dead rush to raise much-needed funds for our charitable passions, we sometimes forget that the words we choose in reaching out to our supporters need to be chosen with them in mind. There’s a unique fundraising idea...

Have a Volunteer Engagement Strategy
September 6, 2017 at 12:45 pm

Does your organization have a volunteer engagement strategy? Engaging volunteers takes an investment of time and also yields incredible benefits. It’s the time, treasure and talents: Research shows that people who volunteer donate five times more than those who do not volunteer. People give greater gifts to where they volunteer...

The Conflict Between Caseload Management and Prospecting
September 5, 2017 at 11:10 am

If I gave you $1 million, but told you I needed to control the investment and after one full year, the investment became $520,000—then at the end of the second year, the investment became $330,000—you would think I was either the worst financial advisor or just plain crazy...

Campaigns as Agents of Change
August 29, 2017 at 10:23 am

Why do organizations mount major gift or capital campaigns? Hopefully the answer is to reach strategic objectives that expand their mission, that add new and improved programs or services, or that uniquely address significant needs of those they serve. In other words, campaigns are about change...

Going Solo Spells Disaster
August 28, 2017 at 10:59 am

You’ve heard of the term, “solo player.” It refers most often in a sales environment to someone who does everything alone and won’t include others in the work. In most cases they are not very successful. In fact, we see a tremendous amount of burnout from this type of MGO...

It’s Not Too Late: Get Ready for Monthly Donor Month
August 28, 2017 at 10:49 am

There’s never a bad time to convert your constituents to give monthly, but there are two months a year that typically fit better in your overall communication plan: January and September. “Why September?” you may ask. Because, it’s typically slower with events. Donors are back home, back to school, back to work and in their “routine.” It’s not yet busy with Thanksgiving and holiday preparations…

What to Think About Before You Take that Job …
August 24, 2017 at 9:52 am

Lest we assign blame to organizational leaders, we must understand that fundraisers are often quick to sign on with new employers who reveal all the signs of unreasonable expectations. Most fundraising professionals I know want to be admired for their abilities to turn things around and make things happen...

Are Prospective Donors Like Window Shoppers?
August 24, 2017 at 9:44 am

We all like to do it. It’s enjoyable, it’s free and, except for our time, it involves no commitment. When the clerk asks us if they can help us, how often do we answer, “Just looking?” I dare say we’ve often given that answer when we are actually looking for something specific, but aren’t yet ready to commit. Then again, there are many times when we’re merely “killing time...

How to Attract More Men to Your Mission
August 23, 2017 at 11:20 am

There isn’t a “more helpful” sex; both men and women help others. But the gender difference in the peer-to-peer realm is stark—women participate and fundraise at significantly higher levels than men do...

Escaping the Grip of Callousness
August 21, 2017 at 10:08 am

I want to talk about how callousness reduces us to mere cogs in a fundraising machine vs. the caring individuals we want and need to be. And then I want to share with you how to deal with this very common dynamic in the life of a MGO...