Say ‘Thank You,’ Why Don’t You?
December 11, 2017 at 12:09 pm

A few weeks ago, I shared how I made 20 online donations on Black Friday. For some, this was a repeat donation; for others, it was my first. Of course, all organizations sent me an auto-responder message and a “thank you” email message. So far, so good...

4 Questions That Get Your Boss to ‘Yes’
December 6, 2017 at 11:54 am

You have a great idea. You run it up the flagpole to leadership. They love it! Then, nothing happens. You wait. You push it up there again. They love it again. They gush over your creativity and forethought. Then, nothing happens...

How to Win Over Your Organization to Major Gifts
December 4, 2017 at 11:30 am

I think you might be making your job as a major gift officer even harder. Richard and I often run into CEOs, board members, finance and programs staff who don’t know how major gift programs work or, at best, are just down right skeptical that it really works...

'Turn It Around, or You’re Fired'
November 29, 2017 at 12:49 pm

Maybe you are a chief development officer who must report to your board that fundraising for the previous year was flat. Or worse, that it was down. Or maybe you’re new to your organization and were brought in to turn around declining revenue...

Donor Relationships Belong to the Organization
November 29, 2017 at 12:43 pm

One of the great fallacies in the nonprofit fundraising world is that fundraising professionals take donor relationships with them from organization to organization. It is not an effective strategy, and it is wrong and unethical. It is a significant way fundraising differs from other professions...

3 Ways to Engage Your Nonprofit's Employees
November 28, 2017 at 10:25 am

It’s not uncommon nowadays for workers who aren’t up-to-date on the latest technological skills to lose their jobs. A new advancement in technology may improve day-to-day life, but it means some people will suffer professionally...

Want Fresh Ideas? Put a Kid on Your Board of Directors
November 28, 2017 at 10:16 am

Teenagers are irresponsible. They are lazy and entitled and never look up from their smart devices. Wait, what about Jack Andraka, who identified an early detection mechanism for pancreatic cancer… while he was in high school? He not only invented it, he pitched the idea to 200 research professors to test it and earned workspace in a scientific lab...

Discipline Is Beautiful
November 20, 2017 at 12:19 pm

Being disciplined to work out your plan is the absolute key to major gift success. Conversely, it’s the downfall of many major gift fundraisers. At Veritus, we know that introducing a disciplined approach to major gifts will lead to deeper relationships with donors, higher retention rates, lower value attrition rates and much more revenue...

It’s Tax-Deductible—So What?
November 15, 2017 at 11:40 am

If passed this week, the new Republican tax legislation will “simplify” the tax code and increase the standard deduction; thereby reducing the number of people who itemize their taxes...