
It’s very easy to become paralyzed by the variety of opinions about how to optimize donation forms for the purpose of improving online giving and donor acquisition. There’s no magic answer to the ideal calibration of layout, copy, images, fields, offer and headline that drives the highest possible levels of donor acquisition. Here are three things you can do today, without reworking your entire online strategy, to have an impact in acquiring new donors.
The first days following a disaster or other emergencies — like Hurricane Sandy that hit the East Coast this week — can be crucial for organizations as they reach out to supporters and request help. At a time when many organizations may not have the time to outline a formal strategy, here are seven tips that can help any organization make the greatest impact during this time of need.
Today, Web sites are like opinions — everyone has one. This is certainly true for just about every nonprofit organization in the country.
LAS VEGAS, NV, April 1, 2009 — Mobile devices could be used for voting purposes in the United States by 2012, according to market predictions made by the Messaging and Mobile Media division of VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world.
(Editor’s Note: Mobile maven Katrin Verclas let us know last week that there have been some pretty positive developments on the mobile-giving scene since she last wrote about it for Giving 2.0 sister e-letter the FS Advisor in February. Here’s her latest update, in case you missed it at MobileActive.org.) Mobile donations to nonprofits have been stymied in the United States — hampered by the high fees charged for text message gifts that are then billed to a mobile-phone customer. When a donor gives to a nonprofit via text, more than half of the contribution goes to the telephone carrier, leaving less than 50
With just the click of a mouse, shoppers can buy nearly any product online — from groceries to cars, from insurance policies to home loans. And potential donors can form intimate relationships with the nonprofit organizations of their choices — getting information, registering for events and responding to other calls to action, and, ultimately, making donations or, better yet, signing up for automatically deducted monthly giving programs.