Hammer Museum

James Irvine Foundation Rewards the Innovators
June 18, 2009

June 17, 2009, The Los Angeles Times — Some time next year, a seeing-eye dog may guide visitors -- even those with no vision problems -- through the galleries of the Hammer Museum in Westwood to a pre-selected painting. In San Francisco, young actors in training may be found rounding up an audience for a play staged in a bar or in the rec room of a juvenile detention facility. Visitors to a museum in Oakland may be asked to tell the curators how they'd like to interact with the art, while in downtown San Diego, they may bump into an artist completing a work in progress.

In Lean Times, New Ways to Reach Out
March 19, 2009

Some 150 yoga fanatics, mats in hand, gathered in the second-floor atrium of the Museum of Modern Art one recent Saturday morning. They were there to “Put the oM in MoMA,” as the invitation read.