
The 2015 BNP Paribas Individual Philanthropy Index reveals that philanthropy is growing worldwide, increasing by five points on average in 2015. Out of the four regions, Europe is now almost level with the USA, with a strong increase in current and projected giving. Trends emerging in the third edition of the index show that “impact/mission investing” is seen as the most promising trend by most philanthropists (52 percent each) worldwide.
"Marketers" have unique roles within nonprofit organizations, but what about you and your direct marketing team?
Cari Tuna and her future husband, Dustin Moskovitz, a Facebook co-founder, are emblematic of a new generation of millennial philanthropists seeking to give far beyond their own communities and experiences. Americans have traditionally focused their donations on organizations such as schools, churches and cultural centers close to home. But with the rise of social networks that connect people the world over instantaneously, many millennials have a broader view of charity.
(Press release, Dec. 1, 2014) — Forbes' third annual Philanthropy special issue looks at the most generous givers and how they are changing our world. Last June, at the Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy, nearly 200 of the world's leading philanthropists, social entrepreneurs and public officials gathered for a discussion on groundbreaking models in philanthropy, and how to improve education. The Philanthropy issue is a collection of insight and actionable solutions from the 2014 Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy.
Bitcoin and other virtual currencies, such as Ripple and Litecoin, represent a total market capitalization of nearly $6 billion. Many large charities are eager to tap in to this market or have already received virtual donations, such as United Way Worldwide, which recently began accepting donations of Bitcoins. Smaller nonprofits have begun accepting the currency as well. This article discusses charitable donations of virtual currencies, including tax, appraisal, legal and processing considerations.
Recent tweets from folks you should be following.
Are we back to pre-recession giving yet? Look to the 2014 Giving USA stats.
There are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations across America all competing for the nation’s charitable contributions. The average person is only willing to give so much to charity organizations each year, so it’s a battle to compel those individuals to contribute. To succeed, it’s vital that your charity has an edge. These business skills will help it gain the advantage it needs to thrive.
Recent tweets from folks you should be following.
If you look at your website’s Google Analytics, you’re likely to see that about a quarter of your website visitors come knocking on your door via mobile devices — that’s a lot! You’ll want to open your door, as it were, with a friendly smile on your face. So how can your organization be as approachable as possible via mobile? elow, we’ll cover: 1) making sure your website is responsive; 2) the importance of Instagram; 3) the rise of mobile messaging apps; and 4) tips for using responsive emails for impact.