Defenders of Wildlife

Using E-Commerce to Raise Money and Build Stronger Relationshi
August 30, 2005

E-Commerce: Raise Money, Build Constituent Relationships August 30, 2005 By Vinay Bhagat Through e-commerce, nonprofit organizations can raise new funds as well as attract new constituents, encourage them to get more involved, collect information about their interests and motivations, use that information to send more relevant communications and build relationships to encourage loyalty and ongoing support. Several nonprofit groups already run online stores using stand-alone e-commerce tools and services. For example, public radio stations sell premium items, such as videos and T-shirts, outside of pledge drives. However, many nonprofit professionals have not seriously considered e-commerce as a way to drive fundraising, erroneously believing

Getting John Q. Public to Hug a Tree
November 1, 2004

As philanthropic giving languished for many sectors in the nonprofit world, environmental organizations experienced a modest growth in donations of 3 percent in 2003, to $6.95 billion, according to “Giving USA 2004,” the annual report on the state of philanthropy released by the Giving USA Foundation.