Trade Associations/Trade Shows

Nonprofit Center at Philadelphia's La Salle University School of Business Plans Conference to Help Struggling Nonprofit Organizations Find New Income
March 6, 2009

Greater Philadelphia area nonprofit organizations, struggling with declining donations, grants, and government support, can learn new ways to raise revenue through business ventures that support their missions at the Nonprofit Strategies Forum, sponsored by The Nonprofit Center at La Salle University's School of Business, on April 24. This concept of revenue generation, known as "social enterprise," includes partnerships between businesses and nonprofit organizations to expand the resources available to meet society's growing needs.

Management, Credit Hurt Nonprofits, Expert Says
March 4, 2009

A national expert on nonprofits who will speak in Colorado Springs on Friday estimates that, because of the bad economy, 100,000 of the nation's 1.3 million nonprofit organizations will collapse this year from frozen lines of credit, late payments by government entities and lack of efficient management.

Groups Gather for Emergency Summit on Volunteerism as Response to Economic Crisis
February 26, 2009

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Feb. 26, 2009 — With the philanthropic giving index down 22 percent, and the economic crisis affecting nonprofit organizations nationwide, the Knights of Columbus and Fairfield University's Center for Faith and Public Life will host a summit this week to discuss the role volunteers can play in helping their communities to recover from the financial crisis. The organizations include Habitat for Humanity, United Way, the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, the National Fraternal Congress of America, the New York City Coalition Against Hunger, General Electric, the Foodbank of Greater New Jersey, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network, Goldman Sachs and Volunteers of America.

San Diego American Marketing Association Presents 11th Annual AMA Cause Conference
February 26, 2009

The San Diego Chapter of the American Marketing Association (SDAMA) is hosting the 11th Annual AMA Cause Conference on Wednesday, March 11, 2009, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the University of San Diego’s Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice. The conference is the West Coast’s largest business partnership conference for nonprofit and corporate leaders.

GroundFloor Media Launches Series of Social Media Worskops
February 18, 2009

GroundFloor Media, Inc., a Denver-based public relations agency, today announced the new GroundFloor Social Media (GFsM) workshop series aimed at helping Colorado-based associations, nonprofits and government entities leverage social media in their marketing and fundraising campaigns. Called “Social Media: Getting in on the Ground Floor,” the series will offer personalized social media training and education at no cost.

Conference Roundup: The Today and Tomorrow of Fundraising
August 19, 2008

Every fundraiser’s task for the next few years is to navigate a path between traditional and emerging fundraising strategies. So says Frank O’Brien, president of the Washington, D.C.-based consultancy OMP, who gave the keynote presentation, “The Six Dynamics Shaping the Future of Fundraising,” at the 2008 New York Nonprofit Conference last week. “It’s heady stuff when you think about it,” O’Brien said. “We get to practice our craft in a remarkable period of transition. And our actions will help shape a whole new era of fundraising. “But along with that opportunity comes the challenge of living these next few years with

Speaking of Fundraising: The Anatomy of a Major-Gifts Ask
August 12, 2008

Henry Rosso, a legendary modern fundraising professional, created several working philosophies from his book, “Lessons from a Master’s Lifetime Experience.” One, people need and want to give, yet many do not know how, to whom or how much. Second, people should be able to give according to their means, their own interests and their own inclinations, without pressure. The decision should be theirs. Finally, solicitors should always focus on the mission and not on budgeted needs of the institution. The solicitation is the simple process of taking a concern and sharing that concern with another individual. Close your eyes and think about years

Conference Roundup: Get Uncomfortable
August 5, 2008

Being wrong just might be the rightest thing you ever do. So says Jon Duschinsky, founder of Paris-based Bethechange Consulting. In his session, “Breaking Out of Your Creative Comfort Zone,” at the 2008 Bridge Conference in Washington, D.C., last month, Duschinsky said turning things upside down and not being afraid of making mistakes can put fundraisers on a new road to success. “Think about preparation for your next board meeting. Who’s prepared to make a mistake? The culture now is it’s not OK to be wrong,” Duschinsky said. “We get educated out of our creativity. It’s time to change.” Organizations should be investing

Conference Roundup: Women’s Giving
July 29, 2008

Here’s a shocker: Men and women think differently when it comes to charitable giving, says Sondra Shaw-Hardy, co-founder of the Women’s Philanthropy Institute at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University. “We need to appreciate the differences in gender and understand the importance of women in philanthropy,” Shaw-Hardy said at her session, “Women’s Philanthropy: Emerging Trends and Strategies,” at the 2008 Bridge Conference, held last week in Washington, D.C. Traditional methods of donor connection, strategies for asking and stewardship are changing — with women’s giving leading the way, Shaw-Hardy said. “Women have a lot of financial power now, and will have a

Webinar on Multichannel Fundraising
July 22, 2008

No matter how you feel about any particular fundraising strategy — love direct mail … hate telefundraising … hot for Web-based stuff — there’s no denying that true fundraising success comes from the seamless integration of strategies and techniques. In FundRaising Success’ July webinar, Jono Smith, director of marketing for Network for Good, talks with a pair of nonprofits about their successful multichannel campaigns and offers tips on how you can re-create their success. Join Jono and other fundraising professionals at 2 p.m. on July 30 as they examine the value of the multipronged approach to fundraising, tips on consistent messaging and creative, and