Paula Wasley

Paula Wasley
Raising 'Twollars' for a Good Cause

May 29, 2009, The Chronicle of Philanthropy — Even your most cash-strapped donors have the wherewithal to contribute “twollars” — a virtual “currency of appreciation” in circulation on the social networking site, Twitter, designed to raise awareness and money for charity.

Donors in 'Giving Circles' Donate More Than Other People, Study Finds

May 15, 2009, The Chronicle of Philanthropy — Donors who participate in giving circles — in which individuals pool their money and decide collectively how to distribute it — give more than other donors, give more strategically, and give to a greater number of organizations, according to results of a study released this week.

Donors in 'Giving Circles' Donate More Than Other People, Study Finds

May 15, 2009, The Chronicle of Philanthropy — Donors who participate in giving circles — in which individuals pool their money and decide collectively how to distribute it — give more than other donors, give more strategically, and give to a greater number of organizations, according to results of a study released this week.

New Research Sheds Light on Bequest Giving

New Orleans, April 1, 2009, Chronicle of Philanthropy — In contrast to individual, foundation, and corporate giving, which tend to drop or remain flat during tough economic times, giving through charitable bequests usually grows during a recession, according to fund raisers.