Nick Allen

Nick Allen

Nick lives on a hippie commune in Northern California that just got cell service a few months ago.

Nick Allen helps nonprofits harness the power of the Internet and mobile to raise money, raise their voices and build relationships. For the last 15 years, he has worked in the U.S. and Europe to help organizations — including Amnesty International, UNICEF, UNHCR, Habitat for Humanity, CARE, and UNAIDS — to develop new ways to recruit and retain donors. He is the founder and director of Nuevo Fundraising.

Is There an App for Us?

Got an idea for an app that could connect a charity or nonprofit with its supporters and beneficiaries in an ongoing way, one that could become part of their daily or at least weekly lives?

The Young and the Restless

Someone 20 years old, or 30 or 40 — even 50 — might never become a direct-mail donor. He or she probably will give online from the beginning. And there’s evidence that online donors might act quite differently than their direct-mail responsive parents and grandparents.