Jackie Sue Griffin

Jackie Sue Griffin

Jackie Sue Griffin, a former journalist who uses transformational stories to expand nonprofit and human services, is the owner and executive director of Jackie Sue Griffin & Associates

Her mastery of all forms of written and oral communications has resulted in procuring more than $1.8 billion in government grants to expand behavioral health and systems of care services in partnership with Turnaround Life and Turnaround Achievement Network. Based on her 29 years working with nonprofit leaders, she has proven competencies in grant development, grant management and performance assessment, and provides technical assistance in strategic prevention framework, community assessment, board development, strategic planning and sustainability. 

Jackie is the former vice president of development for Operation PAR and executive director of the LiveFree! Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Pinellas County, Florida. She has taught undergraduate and graduate students at Springfield College as an adjunct instructor for 19 years. She is the president of the Community Advisory Board for Springfield.

Jackie has a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in nonprofit management and a Master of Science in organizational management and leadership, both from Springfield College. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in writing and English from the University of Tampa.