Jeffrey Solomon

The book "The Art of Giving: Where the Soul Meets a Business Plan" by renowned philanthropists Charles Bronfman, co-founder of the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, and Jeffrey Solomon, president of the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, guides philanthropists on how to get the most out of their giving.

When it comes to fundraising, it’s important to strike a balance between the younger and older generations, says Jeffrey Solomon, president of the New York-based Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, a family of charitable foundations that operate in the United States, Canada and Israel and aims to encourage young people to strengthen their knowledge of heritage and support programs in Israel. “The challenge for an organization is that they see that older people — over age 50 — are the core supporters of most charities,” Solomon says. “[They need to see that] the needs of their children [also] need to be met.” Solomon

The nonprofit sector faces ever-increasing questioning from the government, the media and the public regarding its integrity. Still, charitable giving continues to grow, with Americans leading the way in terms of philanthropy. Jeffrey Solomon, president of The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, says the current charitable climate offers opportunities both in terms of fundraising and accountability for nonprofits.  “Both in volunteer time and in contributions, the American public every day demonstrates its faith in the nonprofit sector’s ability to improve the world,” says Solomon, whose organization consists of a family of charitable foundations operating in Canada, Israel and the United States missioned to

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