Atlantic List Company

Prospecting in the Upper Deck
August 7, 2007

I’m a baseball fan and love going to games, but I often find myself in the upper tier (the cheap seats). It’s a desolate place that’s less crowded, and you’ll rarely, if ever, catch a foul ball. But there’s gold in the form of die-hard fans in the upper deck. Just a different sort of gold than you’ll find in the lower levels. The same can be said of second- and third-tier lists, which can be great resources for organizations seeking new prospects that will prove to be precious alloys. But how does an organization know when it’s time to make the move

List Look
September 1, 2006

Following is a sampling of lists available to reach alternative-medicine advocates as potential donors.

List Look
August 1, 2006

A sampling of lists available to reach animal lovers as potential donors.